Mark Holland
Hon. Mark Holland
Member of Parliament for Ajax
Commemorating Mullivaikkal Remembrance Day
May 18, 2021

On this Mullivaikkal Remembrance Day, which marks 12 years since the end of the armed conflict in Sri Lanka, we pay recognition to the victims of the atrocities that took place in Mullivaikkal in the lead up to the end of the Sri Lankan civil war. On behalf of the Government of Canada, we offer our deepest sympathies to the survivors and their families, and remember all those who were killed, injured or otherwise impacted during the conflict.

As the survivors of this tragedy still seek answers, we support the call for accountability, justice and restitution. Canada served as part of the core group at the United Nations Human Rights Council this past March when the mandate was declared to collect, analyse and preserve information and evidence relating to violations in Sri Lanka. This was an important step forward in the search for accountability for all those who have had to live with the pain and trauma they experienced for more than a decade now.

In spite of the progress made, recent acts of vandalism and destruction of Mullivaikkal memorials reveal there is still more work to be done to restore long-term peace and prosperity to Sri Lanka.

In Ajax we have a strong and vibrant Tamil diaspora that have made significant contributions to our community. Tamil-Canadians nationwide have contributed in many positive ways to improve our country. The Government of Canada remembers Mullivaikkal and advocates for accountability for the tragedies of the Sri Lankan civil war.

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